
Non-Destructive Hydro Excavating

Our professionals at Premier Underground Inc employ the non-destructive hydro excavation process using high-pressure water to excavate soil from the ground while simultaneously using a high air-flow vacuum to suck up the soil, debris, dirt, rock, etc.

Premier Underground Inc

What Sets Us Apart

  • Most powerful water pressure and suction in the industry to easily excavate soils.
  • Non - destructive soil and debris removal, trenching, remote digging and potholing reaches locations traditional excavation cannot.
  • Rear mounted boom offers impressive range of motion.
  • Tilt – ejection unloading provides fast and thorough removal of debris.
  • Remote controlled vacuuming and water system, allowing for one man operation
  • Surrounding area and soil remain undamaged, increasing efficiency and decreasing downtime.

Offering Quality Service And Care

  • Quality:
    We deliver excellence on time and aim to exceed expectations in everything we do.
  • Integrity:
    We conduct ourselves to the highest ethical standards.


Using hydro-excavation services helps keep your project on track by:

  • Eliminating damages to underground utility lines, cables, and pipes
  • Reducing costs to repair damaged infrastructure
  • Avoiding inconvenience of interrupted utility services, and high cost
  • Keeping your team safe
Premier Underground Inc